So Far, So Close
The exhibition held in Brasilia and São Paulo marked the 10th anniversary of the Telefónica Foundation and received the Aberje Award in the Memory and Historical Responsibility category.
Read moreThe exhibition held in Brasilia and São Paulo marked the 10th anniversary of the Telefónica Foundation and received the Aberje Award in the Memory and Historical Responsibility category.
Read moreWith the City of Light as the main star, Impressionism: Paris and Modernity – Masterpieces of the Musanda d'Orsay presented to Brazil a set of 85 pieces of the French institution. The show received four awards.
Read moreThe panels painted by Candido Portinari for the UN headquarters in the United States returned to Brazil for restoration and a roaming with museum coordination of Expomus, next to the Portinari Project.
Read moreThe exhibition was the first part of a project that aimed to address various aspects of the Bauhaus movement, a German art school founded in 1919 and closed by the Nazi regime, which revolutionized modern design by preaching the use of simplified lines and shapes.
Read moreBrazil and Mexico have come together in an unprecedented partnership to present civilization that has flourished for centuries in much of the American continent. The result was an unprecedented exhibition in the country, capable of translating and revealing the cultural scope of the Mayan civilization in the fields of art, architecture and astronomical and mathematical studies.
Read moreExpomus worked in the design of the museum plan and coordinated the elaboration of executive projects of museography, expography, visual communication and technology and carried out museum monitoring and coordination of the execution of the requalification of the Museum.
Read moreThe exhibition with about 90 works from the Collection of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, from Madrid, highlights Picasso's influence on modern Spanish art and his relationship with masters of this aspect.
Read moreThe exhibition The Post Impressionism: Masterpieces of the Musée d'Orsay and the Musée de l'Orangerie, presents specific aspects of post-Impressionist artistic production, including names such as Van Gogh, Gaugin, Cézanne, Monet, Matisse, Renoir.
Read moreThe exhibition explains the critical and at the same time sensitive dimension of Bahri's work, turning to the contemporary world and inviting the viewer to sensitivity and attention.
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