Roberto Burle Marx Site

Considered a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, the Roberto Burle Marx Site was requalified in 2021, with the participation of Expomus.

Located in Barra de Guaratiba, a neighborhood in the West Zone of Rio de Janeiro, the property where Burle Marx lived and produced in his last twenty years of life is a great laboratory of experimentation: more than 3,500 species of tropical and subtropical plants, organized in nurseries and gardens, coexist in harmony with native vegetation in an area of 405 thousand square meters, which includes several buildings, lakes, gardens, art collections and a vast library.

In 2021, the Site was reopened after undergoing a complete requalification process, under the general coordination of Intermuseus and with Expomus acting in the museological requalification. The project included the updating of the environments of the property, maintaining its essence as spaces inhabited by the great figure who was the landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx. The objectives were also to expand the capacity of the place and to receive visits in a more accessible and qualified way. The initiative was sponsored by BNDES.

In the same year of its reopening, the Roberto Burle Marx Site was considered a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

Since 1985 the Site is a special unit linked to the Institute of National Historical and Artistic Heritage (Iphan), fulfilling the role of preserving, researching and disseminating the life and work of Roberto Burle Marx.


Art IPHAN Rio de Janeiro